Ramsay Tha Great Says He Can’t Breathe

J.W. Fields
3 min readJun 6, 2020


Ramsay Tha Great 2020

Prominent Chicago rap artist & producer Ramsay Tha Great is making his voice heard admist the death of George Floyd. With the release of his new single I Can’t Breathe, Ramsay Tha Great reflects on the issues that surround police brutality and misconduct. Ramsay The Great is no stranger to the music scene, after producing Chief Keef and other, Ramsay released several project of his own in recent years. We recently caught up with him and ask him a few questions about his music and the current state of the industry.

With the release of your last project, how has your life changed?

My last project, Geekin’, was released in 2017 at one of the lowest points of my life. I had allowed the dark aspects of the culture to influence me to delve into drugs at a scary rate. I was spiraling and saw no way out, and ended up getting into some trouble that changed the course of not only my life, but the trajectory of my budding music career. When I sit here and think about it, the title of that project truly represents the lifestyle I was living, but not a true interpretation of me as a person or the legacy I want to leave behind as an artist. The beautiful thing about art is that it has the power to shape and mold the way we view components of our existences. I have been able to sit back and reflect seemingly nonstop since the top of 2017, and I have encountered a total shift in the paradigm of my life and music. I am now clearheaded, focused, and more driven than ever to revamp the image, content, and perception of Ramsay Tha Great; not just as a person contributing to the culture, but having an impact directly on the fans with my words.

How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic altered the music industry?

If anything, it should have inspired artists to use their solitude as points of creativity. Nina Simone famously said, “an artist has a responsibility to reflect the times”, and I believe the downtime has been the best place for creativity to thrive. I have even altered my creative pallet by making three rock and two EDM songs. For the execs of the industry, the should be seeking to alter the way artists are paid through streaming and downloads. With the lack of the touring ability because of COVID-19, it will be interesting to see how artists make up for such a heavy lost avenue of income.

Ramsay The Great 2020

Do you plan on releasing new music in the near future?

The people would go in an uproar if I didn’t LOL. In all seriousness though, I plan to release my next album, Redemption, at the top of the 2021. In mid-fall you can expect to see promo and videos from the project. I’m excited to showcase my new sound and content which will definitely give a glimpse into the person behind the art and how my experiences have shaped who he is.

What would you tell upcoming artists trying to make it in the music industry?

Be authentic. You can only win the race of longevity when you are who you are from the start. The industry has a way of reshaping images and distorting them so much, the people under the façade cannot keep up. The real you will always be exposed at some point, so you should just fight to be you through and through.

To keep up with Ramsay The Great, you can follow him on Instagram @ramsay_tha_great



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