PsEndofstory Is An Eclectic Artist
PsEndofstory is a lyricrally diverse and eclectic artist we all want to meet. After the launch of his music career in New Jersey a few years ago, PsEndofstory is working on new music for his fans. We recently caught up with PsEndofstory, and asked him a few questions re his career.
When you started making music, how has your life changed?
The day music changed my life I was sleep. My phone was going crazy, we just put a song out called slow motion. It was a post of Blue Ivy dancing to our record, andI’m like this is fake no way this can’t be real. Then I heard someone idk if it was her mom or someone else singing the words to the song in the background. I was like oh, this is real! That moment changed how I saw myself in music “they hear us they see us “ it changed how I saw us and then “me and gang”. The freestyle went viral right on Instagram it changed my way of thinking, I knew it was fire but did the people know?
How do you think the death of George Floyd and the pandemic altered the music industry?
Honestly the pandemic brought families closer together . As for the George Floyd situation, that cop knew he was wrong and the cops that was standing and watching him do this to that guy should get the same charges he got. As if they kneeled on him they break their oath to protect and serve and everyday they fail the people. I’m not a activist, but I am pro black, and enough is enough. If they don’t wanna change how the treat us, then it’s time for us to change how they treat us. The facts is this, if every hood recognize each other as and become one to push us into power. We can make a economic change so that when they do harm to us it will deal an economic blow to let them know we are serious. I think it’s enough being against helping one another in the music industry we only have us. Helping someone win when you already won’t isn’t making you loose.
What current projects are you working on that we can expect in the future?
I’m working on a few projects I recently did a tribute to Pop Smoke called Woo Challenge. It was in his vibe of music for remembrance. I feel like there has been a lot of artist gone too soon recently. I also have a remix to Executive Coop Cash App Feat. Mulatto record coming and thousands of other record in the vault that imma let the world hear soon so stay tuned .
What would you tell upcoming artists trying to make it in the music industry?
To all artist trying to make it, keep pushing, keep going never give up. Don’t look at age as a time limit on how great you can become. You have a whole life make mistakes and learn from them. Most important is believing yourself, even if nobody else does. They never do in the beginning success seems impossible to some until you achieve it.
To keep ups with PsEndofstory, you can follow him on Instagram @iampsendofstory.