Inverse 22 is Taking Her Music to the Next Level

J.W. Fields
2 min readDec 10, 2022


Over the past few years, Inverse 22 has released several projects showcasing her talent for the hip-hop music scene. After being silent in 2021, DMV recording artist Inverse 22 signed a new distribution deal with Ruby Recordings and released the new single Wind on You. Her lyrical talent & delivery style is nothing short of unique in this new track. The song comes on the heels of her album London Nights, released in 2020. Inverse 22 plans on releasing more music & videos in 2023. We recently caught up with Inverse22 and asked her a few questions:

When you started making music?

I started in 2006

How have your life changed?
It took me to realize if you love what you do, persevere through it. Never give up, stayed prayed up, and let manifestation begin.

How do you think the Covid-19 pandemic altered the music industry?
During that time, it made individuals more humble, tapped into their inner creativity, and learned that they have many gifts stored inside of them, which were used differently.

What current projects are you working on that we can expect in the future?
My current project is Wind On You, and more music is to come.

What would you tell upcoming artists trying to make it in the music industry?
Find your sound, To Network, Believe in yourself, Persevere, Be Patient and if this is what you want to do, Continue to stay driven.

To keep up with Inverse 22, you can follow her on Instagram @official_Inverse22.



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