Interview: Esbeey Madera & ESCUSTOMS.

J.W. Fields
2 min readSep 10, 2020


Esbeey Madeera

Cleveland based artist, Esbeey Madera, is a young motivational
artist with a variety of experience and roles. As the owner of
Escustoms, he specializes in upcycling and transforming both old
and new clothing pieces into customized pieces of wearable
artwork. We recently caught up with Madera and asked him a few questions about his career.

When you started designing clothes, how has your life changed?

My passion for designing has changed immensely. It gives me confidence and its one of the many ways I express myself. There are no rules to fashion so you express yourself how you want. My fashion is also my job & I learned that you have to love your art in order to master your work. I put my all into my fashion and it gives me gratification in return.

How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic altered the fashion industry?

I think Covid has altered the fashion industry in many ways. It has given time to creatives & brought new ideas to fashion. It has also created a chance to have virtual reality fashion shows which is still new to people. A lot of designers are creating pieces that have never been seen and look very ahead of our time.

Esbeey Madera

What current projects are you working on that we can expect in the future?

I’m currently in the process of working with combining electronics and fashion. The future is changing everyday & new technology is evolving before our eyes. By combining both will change fashion forever as we know it.

What would you tell upcoming artists trying to make it in the fashion/clothing industry?

The fashion industry is always changing. You have to stay up to date with looks because fashion changes very rapidly. Always stay motivated no matter any down sets or pressure given. You have to work very fervently & give your all to your art. Fall in love with your craft, once you do so everything will change. Don’t ever give up on your dreams because the only thing separating you and becoming the next big designer is yourself.

To keep ups with Escustoms you can follow him on Instagram @escustoms



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